Intercultural Center Logo

The Intercultural Center strives to influence campus culture by cultivating intercultural knowledge, competency, and leadership. We are committed to enhancing the experience of domestic and international underrepresented groups by offering co-curricular programming, student support and engagement, identity development initiatives, and opportunities for comprehensive learning and development.

Upcoming Events

Native American Heritage Month – Land Acknowledgment Train the Trainer Sessions

Use this link to access the Intercultural Center Programming Calendar

Spring ’24 Religious Pluralism and Interreligious Engagement Community-Based Global Learning Program

“The Intercultural Center became my home away from home on campus since I first stepped on campus. They create an inclusive atmosphere where I can be myself and build meaningful connections. The intercultural center and the staff have helped shape my college experience and help me grow into the leader I am today.”

Gah’Ques Ligons (’25)

“The IC has become a very special place for me, it’s the place where I can be my most transparent self, I am accepted and embraced for who I am and where I come from. This has become my home away from home.” 

Vianney Manjarrez (’24)

“The IC is the perfect to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. I love meeting new people there and being able to share my own culture and background with others.”

Lourdes Lopez (’26)
We are on Instagram
Can you see how excited we are for all the new changes in the IC ?!?
Ooooooh what's happening to the conference room?
We can't wait to see you!!!!
Class of 2024!! If you'd like to make one last round through the IC or say goodbye, we will be open during graduation!!