Student Support & Engagement
ROOTS First-Year Initiative
The ROOTS First-Year Initiative program is designed to assist Wake Forest students in their transition to college, while considering the experiences of students of color. The goal is to equip participating first-year students with the necessary tools to succeed at Wake such as peer mentorship, exposure to campus resources, and social events geared toward increasing their sense of belonging.
Campus Partner Collaborations
The Career Coach Is In
Throughout the semester a career coach from the Office of Personal and Career Development (OPCD) will be in the IC to provide tips, and advice for students looking to expand their professional network. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to ask the coach questions about their resume, cover letter, elevator pitch, and LinkedIn profile.
Provide & Thrive
The Intercultural Center, in partnership with the Office of Wellbeing, provides monthly activities to assist in the wellness of students. Each month’s program will have a different theme across the 8 dimensions of well-being: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual.
Community Building Programs
Friday Morning Breakfast is a monthly event that builds community among students and introduces them to other campus resources. Campus partners include the Office of Academic Advising, the Office of Personal and Career Development, and the Center for Global Programs and Studies.
First Friday’s
First Fridays is a monthly event that provides a safe space for students to foster dialogue. Students enjoy food and games while discussing current topics.
IC Newsletter
Each week, the IC sends students an email newsletter that informs them of campus events, internship opportunities, campus resources, and community activities.
Student Micro-Grants
Student Funding Request
The IC is committed to supporting students’ curricular and co-curricular involvement.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Eure/McPherson funds offer support to all students, regardless of their financial need. These microgrants enable undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the Wake Experience, from the classroom to the boardroom.